
he's a big 'un!

we had our 37 week appointment today. we got an ultrasound to check mom's weight and various other things they check.
everything was going well until my jaw dropped to the floor. mo is weighing in at 7 lb 7 oz... with 3 weeks left to go! he's a monster! they also checked me for contractions because my belly felt so hard but it turns out, he's just really big and there's not much space in there.
well, that's my story for the day. I am about to give birth to a big baby. guess that's what I get for marrying a man that is 6'4.


37 weeks

37... that means mo is full term! he can be born any day now!
life has become kind of complicated recently with a giant (seeming) baby attached to me. I frequently get stuck places, like the couch, bed, etc. David has to help me up frequently. it's so weird being so big.
I know I've said this before but we're so ready to meet our little mister!
Sorry for the flash eyes. iphone.


33 weeks.

well folks, here I am at 33 weeks.
I am counting down until school is out (16 days) then I'll really start the baby counting down. Woohoo! It's amazing that he'll be here so soon! I can't believe we'll a little bambino so soon.
mo's nursery is almost complete so hold your horses...pictures will be ere soon.


happy birthday david!

yesterday was David's birthday and we celebrated. there is nothing I love more than celebrating the ones I love. I love birthdays. A whole lot.
our friends came over and celebrated my man well.