

I guess reality has finally hit us..college was much more fun than working. I mean, we LOVE our jobs. We really do. We are so blessed to be doing things that bring us such joy. There is just a hard transition from an occasional class skip when you're just to tired, watching a lot of movies, and being constantly surrounded by your very best friends to having to work 7-4 every day. I guess the parents of the world are laughing now saying "I told you so" but it is still a transition none the less.
We booked our first flight together (minus honeymoon) to go home! We are going to be home for Thanksgiving and we are so excited. Being so far away from family has made us really miss them. We love Dallas and are growing a lot by having to solely rely on eachother. There is something about being home though...the smell of home-cooking in the oven, pies, the bed you grew up in and the people that love you so much. It is going to be a great week.
Teaching in a special ed class comes with a lot of perks. One of them being birthday parties! Friday will be my second one and they are so much fun. It's great to be able to live vicariously through a 9 yr old. Dora, princesses, crowns, pink, sparkles, Elmo..it makes you wish you could have the birthday party that a little girl gets to have. I got her a Hannah Montana microphone for her present and I am feeling so strong about it.
God is good, all the time.
"Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other just as Christ forgave you. Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love just as Christ also loved you and gave himself up for us, an offering and sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma."
ephesians 4:32- 5:2

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