
happy day callie.

I teach special ed children who are pretty low on the spectrum. Most of them have Down's Syndrome and our class is called "Life Skills". The goals that these children have are writing their name legibly, knowing their colors, being able to look at someone and say "Hi" and many more. Their life is so simple. They are the happiest people I have ever known. They have found such a joy in the simplicity. It is such a beautiful thing. They have no idea and that people around them are stressed to no end because they have dry cleaning to pick up. I find myself getting so caught up in the everyday activities that I "have" to do. Then, I come to school and have to change a fifth grader that can't do it for himself. Talk about humbling. People keep asking me when I'll change jobs but the fact is that I am attached to these kids. They can frustrate me to no end but when Macy looks at me and gives me that smile, I don't want to do anything else. One child constantly looks at me and says "Happy day Callie" and grins ear to ear. You just can't help but smile right back.
I wish I could put up pictures but for some reason I feel like that's illegal in some way.

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