
moses cooper.

our sweet moses finally made his big arrival. it was about time.
here's the story:

on june 20th, i woke up worried about moses. i hadn't been feeling him move (which was really strange for him). we waited a while, drank some caffeine, and he still wasn't moving so we went in to the hospital. they hooked me up to some machines and he was just fine. i guess he was a little squished in there. 

then the 21st rolled around. (keep in mind that i am 3 days overdue with a baby that i already knew was going to be big.) i woke up with some contractions and they quickly got close together. after being awake for about 3 hours and counting timing between contractions, they were finally about 5 minutes apart. (that's when they told us to go to the hospital) so off we went, for the second day in a row. i, once again, was hooked up to machines and monitored. our doctor came in and we found out that i was not dilated much. they gave us the option to labor at home for a while and come back when contractions were 3 minutes apart. they ensured us that our baby boy would be born within 24 hours. 
we went to lunch, just the two of us, for the last time for a while. i looked really strange having to stop every couple of minutes to breathe through a contraction. 

we came home, got our things together, watched some shows, and waited. after a while, we went to walk around somewhere. we packed the car and decided that we were going to stay out until it was time to go back to the hospital. our first stop was, of course, chick-fil-a. then target. then an outdoor shopping center. after the shopping center, it was go time.

we checked in to the hospital around 10 pm and got everything ready. i labored through the night, with the help of some medicine that made me really loopy. i got my epidural around 3 am. those things are pretty much the greatest. i was so nervous to get it though! they have to tell you all of the terrible things that can go wrong and you have to sign your life away. also, they made david leave the room. apparently, it's common for dads to pass out when they see it.
after the wonderful medicine, i didn't feel anything. 
moses came at 11:40 am. healthy and happy.

moses cooper brannen.
9 pounds 3 ounces 22 inches long

baby boy.

he spends a lot of his time doing this.

and i spend a lot of time doing this.

and david does this.

our hearts are so full.

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