
the winds are changing.

We have experienced a lot in the last couple of weeks. The weather in the air is changing which just makes my heart sing. I love the spring and all of the promises it seems to hold.
So I had a little fall on our ski trip in December and hurt my knee. I tried to ignore the pain and "tough it out" for a while then finally went to the doc in February. Well we found out that I tore my ACL. No good. I thought "no big deal...I'll just have the surgery in July after we go on our trip to Hawaii. The sweet doctor had other plans. I am having surgery on my knee in April. As much of a whirlwind as this has been, I have been very content in the Lord. That's not to say that I haven't freaked out and broken down...I have. But that only happens when I let satan tempt me with fear and worry, both of which are not from the Lord. The Lord is my Healer and Comfort. He will see me through this just like everything else.
We have been having some really great times out here in Dallas recently. David and I are growing in our individual relationships with our Savior so then in turn, we grow together.
In one week we will be on the beach in Florida. Man, the perks of teaching and Booster. Love it and so thankful for it!
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, with all that is in me, Praise His Holy Name!"

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