
chill pill.

there are a lot of things going on in our lives these days. i am finding myself have a lot of anxiousness about next year, future plans, etc. i get so caught up sometimes in "what ifs" "hows" and "whys".
why do i let myself go there? has the Lord not proved Himself to me time and again?

i need a good, old fashioned, chill pill. 

this is the scripture that i have been resting in:

"you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure." {psalm 16:5}

another version is: "the Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot"

my lot that i am given in this life is already secure. i can worry all i want to, but will that actually change anything? no. the Lord is the only one who gives and takes. that gives me rest.

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